Your ‘How To’ Guide to Start Living Sustainably in the UAE

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    Your ‘How To’ Guide to Start Living Sustainably in the UAE

    Living Sustainably


    Are you someone who is thinking about doing your bit for the planet? We think it’s never too late to start!

    There are many things you can do to live sustainably. From something as small as switching off and unplugging your appliances when not in use to taking public transport to get to the office, there are numerous ways in which you can reduce your carbon footprint. However, in this fast-moving, time-poor world, finding the right balance to lead a sustainable life may seem like an overwhelming task.

    So how can you live more eco-friendly? If you are a UAE resident who is serious about living sustainably, this article is for you.

    Sustainable living: What is it all about?

    Many people think of sustainable living as a 21st-century fad. However, it’s far from a craze. Sustainable living simply refers to a conscious and educated lifestyle, by understanding how our lifestyle choices impact our environment.

    The world we live in has become so complicated and interconnected, that every single decision we make and every action we take affects our surroundings in many different ways.

    Having awareness and making better lifestyle choices helps reduce one’s impact on the planet and ensures a better future for the generations to come.

    If you think about it, the places we live in also affect our sustainable decision-making. For instance, someone living in the countryside will be leading a life that has far less of an effect on the environment than someone from a city. The way people access and utilize resources is something that ultimately determines their impact on their surroundings.

    So how can someone living in the UAE practice sustainable living? In an arid nation that has very few resources of its own, people here are heavily dependent on other countries for everything from the food we eat to the clothes we wear.
    Even so, it’s possible to live sustainably in this country. Here is how you can do it

    Sustainable living in the UAE: What can you do?
    Let’s start with some truth bombs.

    It is not possible to change the way you think and do things overnight. Sustainable living is also like that; not something that people dive into and start practicing
    from day one.

    If you are serious about reducing your carbon footprint and living a more eco-conscious life, you can start with the simplest of things-

    • Opt for water filters and reusable bottles. A large majority of the people living in the UAE cities are dependent on bottled water for all their daily needs. While the larger water bottles are reused, the smaller pet bottles are often discarded carelessly, ending up in landfills. Instead of this, spend a little extra and get a water filter fitted at your place to filter your tap water if required. You can also start carrying reusable water bottles when you step out of the house and stay hydrated all day.
    • Be mindful of your electricity consumption. We know it’s a hard one. It’s especially tough to survive the summer months without switching on the AC. But with a minimal, sustainable mindset, remember to switch off the AC when you step out of your home and opt for low energy-consuming fans for cooling and ventilation whenever possible. You can also switch off the lights and electric appliances in your home when they are not in use. Not only will these steps help reduce your electricity consumption, but they will also cut down your utility bills.
    • Think twice about your one-time plastics. Many times, we overlook the amount of use and throw away plastics that come into our lives. From the plastic bags you get from shopping malls to the disposable boxes and utensils that come with your takeaway, there are many wasteful plastic products that we tend to use frequently while living in UAE cities. There are really easy fixes for these. Use a reusable shopping bag; opt for a reusable coffee mug; opt out of plastic utensils while ordering food.
    • Start plastic recycling. There are several different ways to recycle your plastics in the UAE. The local governments and waste management companies of Dubai and Abu Dhabi have established smart recycling bins throughout various locations within the cities as part of their sustainable initiatives. If you are really keen on recycling or want to start making an effort, these smart bins are a good place to start. Some of these recycling bins also give monetary incentives for recycling, which is definitely an added perk for your efforts. Learn more about how to sell plastic for money here.
    • Rethink your transportation. It is high time we move away from cars running on fossil fuels, considering their ecological impact. With this in mind, the UAE government has long been encouraging the use of electric vehicles (EVs). As EVs produce less emissions and cleaner air, the government encourages people to switch to EVs through incentives like free parking and charging stations. Residents and tourists in the UAE are also advised to utilize the public transport system to reduce their overall carbon footprint. The Dubai metro, for instance, is a well-connected and efficient public transport system that is used by thousands each day. Switching your mode of transport is a substantial step towards sustainable living.
    • Conserve water. The UAE is an arid country throughout the year where water is generally scarce. So one of the most impactful ways for sustainable living is water conservation. Make small, but meaningful changes such as closing the tap while brushing, fixing leaky faucets, installing low-flow fixtures, and watering plants early in the morning or evening to minimize evaporation. You can also consider fixing a greywater recycling system, which reuses wastewater from the sinks and showers to irrigate your garden if required.
    • Invest in a sustainable fashion. The fast fashion industry is one of the biggest contributors to plastic pollution. The more we buy from fast fashion brands, the more they produce. As the longevity of these clothes is very short, these clothes end up in landfills faster than they are bought. To curb this issue, try investing in sustainable clothing. There are many sustainable, homegrown clothing brands in the UAE that use natural fibers to create all year-round clothes.

    Final word
    Moving towards a sustainable lifestyle is a gradual process. You can take your own time to research and find more ways to live eco-consciously and preserve the resources for the future. For more information on plastic recycling and sustainability initiatives, check out our website today


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