Plastic's Best Circular Economy - More to Plastic

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    Plastic’s Best Circular Economy

    Plastic Recycle

    Plastic is a highly versatile material that has been in use since the early 20th century. Today, products made of plastic or containing plastic components are used daily by millions of people across the globe. 

    However, when we think about it, the way we use plastic is quite problematic. By following a linear ‘take-make-waste’ model, we all have been contributing to plastic pollution for generations. Studies show that millions of tons of plastic are leaked into the environment every year due to the unethical and wasteful usage of plastics. In short, the way we handle plastic is simply not sustainable.

    So how do we improve our relationship with plastic and make it sustainable? At There’s More to Plastic, we explore the possibilities of introducing a circular economy for plastic here in the UAE.

    Circular Economy: A study

    The circular economy is an economic model where resources from the earth are converted into products that can be used, but not used up. This model focuses on designing a system where no materials are lost and toxins are leaked into the environment while achieving maximum usage of every product, process, material, and component.

    In simpler terms, a circular economy makes sure that products are repaired, reused, recycled, and revived as much as possible, keeping wastage to a minimum. 

    While various kinds of plastic are reusable and recyclable, single-use plastic packaging is one of the critical areas that need to be addressed in the circular economy model. Therefore, to set up a circular economy in any society, we need to implement these six fundamental ideas-

    • Eliminate unnecessary single-use plastic packaging whenever possible through innovation and redesigning or by adopting new delivery models
    • Design plastic packaging that is reusable, recyclable, or compostable
    • Chose reusable plastics or delivery models over single-use plastics, effectively reducing their need 
    • Stop relying upon plastic packaging for all finite resources
    • Ensure that all plastic packaging that’s in circulation is free from hazardous chemicals and doesn’t violate the health and safety rights of people and other living beings

    In effect, to move into a circular economy, we should rethink single-use plastics, break them down systematically, and switch to alternate solutions that are more feasible and sustainable in the long run.

    Also Checkout our last Blog About Sustainability

    At an individual level, here are a few steps you can take to reduce your plastic usage at home-

    • Use transparent PET bottles instead of colored ones
    • Take a reusable shopping bag with you every time you go to the mall/grocery shop
    • Use a single bag for vegetables/fruits rather than wrapping each item in a different plastic bag
    • Refuse single-use plastic bags whenever you can
    • Extend the life of plastic bottles by reusing them. You can find numerous creative ways to reuse old plastic bottles on the internet
    • Bring your reusable cups while getting take-out coffee to minimize the use of single-use coffee cups with lids
    • Carry a refillable water bottle whenever you go out

    Plastic Initiatives In The UAE

    The UAE Circular Economy Policy 2021-2031 is a governmental initiative that focuses on creating a sustainable economy with efficient use of natural resources. The policy primarily focuses on promoting the country’s environmental health, reducing the stress on the local ecosystem and supporting the private sector firms in adopting cleaner and sustainable production methods. The expected outcomes include economic gains, continuous supply of raw materials, increased competitiveness in the market, welcoming new innovations and creating new job opportunities aside from the positive impact on the country’s environment.

    As a people-centric initiative, we at There’s More to Plastic do our part to educate our followers to monitor the way they use plastic and encourage a more sustainable approach through reuse and recycling. Take a pledge with us today and follow us on our social media pages for the latest updates.




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